In Memory of Sosai Oyama 1923 -1994 |
"Kyokushin" is comprised of two Japanese words, "Kyoku" (ultimate, extreme) and "Shin" (reality or truth from within). The full name is Kyokushin Kai Kan, where "Kai" means meet, join or associate, and "Kan" school/building. The official dogi (karate uniform) used by a Kyokushin practitioner has the word KyokushinKai embroidered on the left side of the dogi-jacket, this calligraphy is called "Kanji" .
Web site designed and maintained by © AshiharaOnline September 2008 - 2013
Classes now at
Boys Scout Hall Cecil Road, Plumstead Wednesdays: 6.00-8.00pm Saturdays - 10-12.30pm Call Sensei Abubakr Petersen 082 931 9623
Sonskyn Creche Soekmekaar Street, Macassar Saturdays - 4-5.30pm Call Shihan Neville Paulsen 021 712 4855





