KyokuKankuAni - Kyokushin Karate Africa Shihan Paulsen

kyokuiko_logo02 - Kyokushin Karate Africa Shihan Paulsen

Candle burning - Kyokushin Karate Africa Shihan Paulsen
In Memory
Sosai Oyama
1923 -1994

About Training

kyoku - Kyokushin Karate Africa Shihan Paulsen

kyoku-shin - Kyokushin Karate Africa Shihan Paulsen

kyokushin-Kai - Kyokushin Karate Africa Shihan Paulsen

kyokushin-kan - Kyokushin Karate Africa Shihan Paulsen

Karate training means ENDLESS REPETITION. This is the only means to efficiency. There is no shortcut to progress, so work with all your strength and spirit when you train.

To aid the novice, the progression of learning is as follows:

  • 1. Position - stance.
  • 2. Balance - control of position.
  • 3. Co-ordination - control of balance and position in technique.
  • 4. Form - performing the above correctly.
  • 5. Speed - increase the rate of performance without loss of form.
  • 6. Power - strengthening the technique.
  • 7. Reflex - the technique becomes a natural movement.

It is essential that the progression is not rushed, but developed at each stage. Karate can be very exciting and beneficial. The discipline is also very hard.

Web site designed and maintained by © AshiharaOnline September 2008 - 2013

kyokukankuspining - Kyokushin Karate Africa Shihan Paulsen

Classes now at

Boys Scout Hall
Cecil Road, Plumstead
Wednesdays: 6.00-8.00pm
Saturdays - 10-12.30pm
Call Sensei Abubakr Petersen 082 931 9623

Sonskyn Creche
Soekmekaar Street, Macassar
Saturdays - 4-5.30pm
Call Shihan Neville Paulsen 021 712 4855

Oyama B1 - Kyokushin Karate Africa Shihan Paulsen

Oyama B3 - Kyokushin Karate Africa Shihan Paulsen

oyama B11 - Kyokushin Karate Africa Shihan Paulsen

Oyama B5 - Kyokushin Karate Africa Shihan Paulsen

oyama B8 - Kyokushin Karate Africa Shihan Paulsen

Oyama B6 - Kyokushin Karate Africa Shihan Paulsen